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class="documentByLine" id="document-byline"> <span class="property documentAuthor"> <span class="de">von </span> <span class="en">by </span> Franziska Torma<span></span></span> <span class="property documentLanguage"><span class="de">Original auf</span><span class="en">Original in</span> <span id="originallanguage_top">German</span>, <span class="de">angezeigt auf</span><span class="en">displayed in</span> <span id="articlelangselector"><a href="" id="articlelanguage_top">English</a><ul id="avllist"><li><a href="/tormaf-2017-de"><span class="languagename_short">de</span><span class="languagename"><span class="de">Deutsch</span><span class="en">German</span></span></a></li><li><a href="/tormaf-2017-en"><span class="languagename_short">en</span><span class="languagename"><span class="de">Englisch</span><span class="en">English</span></span></a></li></ul></span><span class="arrowdown">▾</span></span> <br> <span class="documentModified"> <span class="en">Published</span><span class="de">Erschienen</span>: <span id="dateselector"> <span id="publicationsdate_top" href="#">2021-01-25</span> <ul id="datelist" class="select-popup"></ul> </span> </span> <a class="printthis" onclick="window.print(); return false;" href="#"> <img class="en" src="/_theme/img/print_12x12.png" alt="Print" title="Print"> <img class="de" src="/_theme/img/print_12x12.png" alt="Drucken" title="Drucken"> </a> <span id="emailauthorlink"><!-- --><a href=""><!-- --><img class="en" alt="E-mail" src="/_theme/img/mail_12x12.png" title="E-mail the author"><!-- --><img class="de" alt="E-mail" src="/_theme/img/mail_12x12.png" title="E-Mail an den Autor"></a> </span> <a id="dcexport" class="xmlexport link-trailing-slash" href=""><!-- --><img class="en" src="/_theme/img/xml_12x12.png" alt="XML Metadata" title="save metadata as XML"><!-- --><img class="de" src="/_theme/img/xml_12x12.png" alt="XML Metadaten" title="Metadaten als XML speichern"> </a>    <span id="form-widgets-shorttitle" style="display:none">Water</span> </div> <p class="documentDescription"> <span id="parent-fieldname-description" class="hyphenate">This article discusses water as a substance and a historical subject matter. The focus is on the different historical, social and cultural functions that water performed. The following article will illustrate that water is not conceivable without land, and the diverse contact zones between the two are illustrated by means of sample transverse perspectives.</span> </p> <dl class="portlet toc" id="document-toc"> <dt class="portletHeader"><span class="de">Inhaltsverzeichnis</span><span class="en">Table of Contents</span></dt> <dd class="portletItem"></dd> </dl> <div id="parent-fieldname-text" class="hyphenate"> <div id="articlebody"> <div class="fieldErrorBox"></div> <span id="tableOfContents" data-toc="true"></span> <h2>Introduction</h2> <p>On the one hand, water is a natural substance. Water accounts for the greater part of the Earth's surface and most of the mass of the human body. It is the basis of life on Earth. On the other hand, water is a historical topic. Water played a large role in daily life, and not just in "water cultures"<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_73_marker74"><sup><a href="">1</a></sup></span> such as <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Venice</a></span> and <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Holland</a></span>.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_74_marker75"><sup><a href="">2</a></sup></span> Water is characterized by a social ambivalence due to its dual aspect as a "life source and a danger to life".<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_75_marker76"><sup><a href="">3</a></sup></span> In spite of its great importance, water has to date not been a research object of European history. Histories of materials and environmental histories – such as those that exist for wood, for example – have not yet been written for water.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_76_marker77"><sup><a href="">4</a></sup></span> This may partly be down to the fluid nature of the object. Its natural form changes depending on the temperature. Strictly speaking, the term "water" only refers to the liquid state. When frozen, this substance is ice. In its gaseous state, it is steam. It also crosses borders as a constituent part of the environment. Rivers, lakes and seas do not adhere to national boundaries.</p> <p>In the 1930s, the sociologist and sinologist<a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title=" Karl August Wittfogel (1896–1988)"> Karl August Wittfogel (1896–1988)</a> found a succinct term to encapsulate the social significance of water. He coined the term "hydraulic society". Wittfogel's theory was intended to give the "Marxist worldview a worldwide dimension"<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_77_marker78"><sup><a href="">5</a></sup></span> by also incorporating non-European societies and their forms of production. His argument was that irrigation systems had promoted the development of non-European high cultures. The establishment of artificial irrigation systems required centralized control, he argued. The implementation of these projects required a bureaucracy that employed forced labour and aspects of which were despotic. He elaborated on this thesis of a "hydraulic bureaucracy"<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_78_marker79"><sup><a href="">6</a></sup></span> in his work <em>Die orientalische Despotie</em> (<em>Oriental Despotism</em>) published in 1947. The hydraulic society that formed along the great Asian rivers (Euphrates, Indus, Yangtse and Nile), he argued, formed the basis of the centrally-organized "oriental despotism" that existed almost unchanged in <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Asia</a></span> into the 20th century.</p> <p>Today it is clear that Wittfogel's view owed more to western projections than to the local conditions, as examples of water usage from "Holland to Sri Lanka" demonstrate.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_79_marker80"><sup><a href="">7</a></sup></span> In a broader sense, however, Wittfogel's term "hydraulic society" points to the great importance that water and water usage had in human history. In order to demonstrate how the natural substance water became visible, was appropriated and was utilized in the respective society, this article describes a selection of functions that water performed in European history. Initially, the focus is on the emerging image of water in the natural sciences and how this process of scientification can be traced in the historiography. In a second step, three different facets of water in the human lifeworld are presented: bathing water, drinking water, and water as a source of energy. The subsequent sections deal with the special tasks performed by water at specific sites. First the focus is on its role as a transport medium and on aquatic infrastructures, specifically with reference to rivers and port cities. The article is concluded by a section demonstrating how water interacted with political power.</p> <h2>Water as a Substance and Research Object</h2> <p>From the 19th century onward, various disciplines emerged that dealt with water as a substance. Between 1904 and 1919, <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Daniel Webster Mead (1862–1948)">Daniel Webster Mead (1862–1948)</a> and <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Adolph Frederick Meyer (born 1880)">Adolph Frederick Meyer (born 1880)</a> wrote foundational texts of hydrology against the backdrop of contemporary hydraulic engineering projects, such as the development of the water supply system.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_80_marker81"><sup><a href="">8</a></sup></span> In the first half of the 20th century, <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="August Thienemann (1882–1960)">August Thienemann (1882–1960)</a> and <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Einar Naumann (1891–1934)">Einar Naumann (1891–1934) </a>discovered inland waterways (ponds, pools, lakes, rivers, inland sees) as limnological objects of study.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_81_marker82"><sup><a href="">9</a></sup></span> In the last third of the 19th century, oceanography or marine science became institutionalized and brought together different fields of interest from marine biology to marine geology.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_82_marker83"><sup><a href="">10</a></sup></span></p> <p>These scientific disciplines have in common that they translate the substance water into the human life horizon. Depending on their methodological arsenal, they emphasize the properties of water as a biotope, as a geographical natural environment, as a system controlled by physical and chemical processes, or as a component of the anthropogenic lifeworld or life environment.</p> <p>The first international hydrographic congress was organized in 1853 on the initiative of the American officer <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Matthew Fontaine Maury (1806–1873)">Matthew Fontaine Maury (1806–1873)</a>.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_83_marker84"><sup><a href="">11</a></sup></span> Beginning with the circumnavigation of the globe by the British corvette <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Report on the scientific results of the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-76 under the command of Captain George S. Nares; digital copy: Biodiversity Heritage Library">Challenger (1872–1876)</a>, large-scale expeditions surveyed the world's oceans.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_84_marker85"><sup><a href="">12</a></sup></span> In the last third of the 19th century, scientists established marine biological stations with state funding. Among the first of these was the German facility in <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Naples</a></span> (1872).<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_85_marker86"><sup><a href="">13</a></sup></span> Using special tools such as dredges<a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Dredge"><img alt="Dredge" class="image-inline" src="./illustrationen/wasser-bilderordner/dredge/@@images/image/thumb" title="Dredge"></a> <span>and nets, it was possible to collect samples of sea water, which could then be analysed on the spot or in laboratories set up for the purpose.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_86_marker87"><sup><a href="">14</a></sup></span> Microscopes made details of the water visible, such as the structure of a waterdrop or the organisms living in samples from specific waterways. This fundamental research was incorporated into data sets and tables, which formed the basis for larger-scale models. This scientific engagement with water was connected with social, economic and political aims. The interest in all aspects of the oceans was linked to economic concerns, as demonstrated by the foundation of the <em>International Council for the Exploration of the Sea</em> (1902), an early industry representative body for high seas fishing.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_87_marker88"><sup><a href="">15</a></sup></span> In addition to marine biological stations, limnological stations were also established, in which scientists investigated the water quality of rivers and lakes.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_88_marker89"><sup><a href="">16</a></sup></span> Water was now not just a research object, but also a component of the human lifeworld.</span></p> <h2>Water and Lifeworld</h2> <p>Since classical <a href="" title="Model Classical Antiquity">antiquity</a>, a healing effect has been attributed to water. In the early modern period, restorative stays at domestic medicinal spas was a privilege of the high aristocracy.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_89_marker90"><sup><a href="">17</a></sup></span> From as early as the second half of the 18th century, spa guests – primarily from the nobility – travelled to the seaside to have their melancholy and anxiety cured by exposure to the cold, salty water. In the 1820s, bathing resorts were established on almost all European coasts on the initiative of members of the high nobility, state officials and physicians.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_90_marker91"><sup><a href="">18</a></sup></span> The marinas of Sicily served as a model.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_91_marker92"><sup><a href="">19</a></sup></span> Large medicinal and seaside spas such as <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Bath</a></span><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="The Roman Bath in Bath, England"><img alt="Das römische Bad in Bath IMG" class="image-inline" src="./illustrationen/wasser-bilderordner/das-roemische-bad-in-bath/@@images/image/thumb" title="Das römische Bad in Bath IMG"></a>, <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Dieppe</a></span> and <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Scarborough</a></span> <span>not only heavily influenced a leisure infrastructure that was initially directed at the needs of the high aristocracy, and later also those of the upper middle classes: they also contributed to the emergence of modern bathing beaches.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_92_marker93"><sup><a href="">20</a></sup></span> In this way, the socio-cultural function of water shifted from a restorative<a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Mud Baths for Beauty"><img alt="Schlammbäder für die Schönheit: Sanatoriumsaufenthalt in Jewpatorija, Krim, ca. 1920 IMG" class="image-inline" src="./illustrationen/der-noerdliche-schwarzmeerraum/schlammbaeder-fur-die-schoenheit-sanatoriumsaufenthalt-in-jewpatorija-krim-ca.-1920/@@images/image/thumb" title="Schlammbäder für die Schönheit: Sanatoriumsaufenthalt in Jewpatorija, Krim, ca. 1920 IMG"></a></span> <span>to a leisure medium. During the course of the 19th and 20th centuries, seaside tourism experienced two leaps of democratization. In 1841, the railway line to <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Brighton</a></span></span> <span>opened. In other European countries also, the development of modern means of transportation made travel to the beach possible for a wider range of social groups. Members of the aristocracy and the wealthy middle classes holidayed there for a number of weeks each year, while working-class people could usually only afford day-trips to the seaside.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_93_marker94"><sup><a href="">21</a></sup></span> The second great democratization of the seaside holiday occurred in the era of the totalitarian systems of the 20th century, as the National Socialists recognized the subliminal propaganda value of leisure and entertainment options<a href="" title='"Kraft durch Freude"- cruise'><img alt="Kraft durch Freude Kreuzfahrt Neu" class="image-inline" src="./illustrationen/geschichte-des-tourismus/kraft-durch-freude-kreuzfahrt-neu/@@images/image/thumb" title='"Kraft durch Freude"- Cruise'></a></span>.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_94_marker95"><sup><a href="">22</a></sup></span> The organization "Kraft durch Freude" (Strength through Joy) planned five large-scale seaside resorts on the Baltic coast, on the island of <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Rügen</a></span><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Construction of the KdF Seaside Resort in Prora"><img alt="Bau des KdF-Seebades Prora" class="image-inline" src="./illustrationen/wasser-bilderordner/bau-des-kdf-seebades-prora/@@images/image/thumb" title="Bau des KdF-Seebades Prora"></a>, in <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Konigsberg</a></span>, in <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Kiel</a></span> <span>and in <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Danzig</a></span>. With each resort having capacity for 20,000 tourists, this would make it possible for five million visitors to have a two-week seaside holiday each summer.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_95_marker96"><sup><a href="">23</a></sup></span> <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Alain Corbin (born 1936)">Alain Corbin (born 1936)</a> stated that, in the 19th century, desires gave rise to architectural trends. This was even more true of the second half of the 20th century. During this period, hotel complexes were built on the coasts of the Mediterranean and at other popular holiday locations in the tropics. Together with package holidays and the invention of the all-inclusive holiday, the restorative effect of seawater became a modern <a href="" title="The History of Tourism: Structures on the Path to Modernity">mass consumer commodity</a>.<strong><br></strong></span></p> <p>From the 19th century onward, water also became increasingly available in domestic life. Until well into the 19th century, wells, water tanks, rivers and streams met the drinking water requirements of European cities and towns.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_96_marker97"><sup><a href="">24</a></sup></span> In the second half of the 19th century, cities began to establish central water supply systems for reasons of hygiene. The water required came from the surrounding countryside. For example, the drinking water for the city of <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Munich</a></span> <span>was piped in from the Mangfall valley. In tandem with this, European urban planners developed sewer systems in order to cope with the volumes of clean water and wastewater. In <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">London</a></span>, the construction of the sewer system already began in the 1860s. While German cities started building sewer systems comparatively late, about 90 percent of households in <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Berlin</a></span> were connected to the sewer system by 1885. The expensive decision to build waterborne sewer systems as permanent wastewater infrastructure was justified by planners and health experts by citing the miasma theory, according to which noxious gases and vapours were the cause of diseases such as cholera. This made the removal of wastewater a public health imperative. However, the waterborne sewer system resulted in long-term environmental problems that could not have been predicted by contemporaries. The discharge of wastewater into nearby waterways polluted lakes, rivers and streams. Consequently, the first wastewater treatment plants, which were made even more necessary by the installation of water closets in dwellings, were constructed in the 1880s.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_97_marker98"><sup><a href="">25</a></sup></span> Through the <a href="" title="Technology">technologization</a><strong> </strong>of cities and households, water not only became a daily commodity, but also performed a role in energy generation.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_98_marker99"><sup><a href="">26</a></sup></span></span></p> <p>Already in the medieval and early modern periods, humans had used the power of rivers, streams and other watercourses to drive mills. However, in order to ensure continuous operation in spite of seasonal deviations in water volumes, reservoirs and dam systems emerged, and with them an early network of water-powered facilities. This in turn meant interventions in the landscape of waterways, for example the straightening of rivers.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_99_marker100"><sup><a href="">27</a></sup></span> However, it was during the restructuring of rivers by modern engineering in the 19th century that dams and hydroelectric power stations were constructed in greater numbers. The discovery of turbine technology in the middle of the 19th century made it possible to utilize the water power of the <a href="" title="The Alpine Region">Alpine rivers</a>, the glaciers and meltwater. Through the development of power transmission in the 1890s, the power generated could be used in the surrounding region.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_100_marker101"><sup><a href="">28</a></sup></span> In 1892, the German civil engineer <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Oskar von Miller (1855–1934)">Oskar von Miller (1855–1934)</a> built a hydroelectric power station in Schöngeising<a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Power Station in Schöngeising"><img alt="Kraftwerk in Schöngeising" class="image-inline" src="./illustrationen/wasser-bilderordner/kraftwerk-in-schoengeising/@@images/image/thumb" title="Kraftwerk in Schöngeising"></a>. The nearby district capital of <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Fürstenfeldbruck</a></span> was consequently one of the first cities in <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Bavaria</a></span> to have electric streetlighting. Between 1918 and 1924, von Miller managed the building of the Walchensee power plant, the largest water storage power station at that time.</p> <p>Hydroelectric power played a central role in the urban power supply in the 20th century. According to UN estimates, hydroelectric power constituted a quarter of the power supply of the European continent in the years after the <a href="" title="The Transformative Impact of World War II">Second World War</a>.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_101_marker102"><sup><a href="">29</a></sup></span> With the development of nuclear energy, hydroelectric power became less significant in Europe and <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">North America</a></span>, but it remains the most important means of power generation in the global south.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_102_marker103"><sup><a href="">30</a></sup></span></p> <h2>Infrastructures and Transport</h2> <p>Water was also a means of transportation. In the early modern period, shipping goods on water was cheaper and, in some cases, more practical than transportation over land. For example, timber could be transported from one place to the next on the current of a river without any additional mechanical or financial resources. Rafts and ships transported goods and people.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_103_marker104"><sup><a href="">31</a></sup></span> To connect the continents, the large trading companies, such as the British East India Company and the Dutch Ostindienkompanie<a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="United East India Company"><img alt="Vereinigte Ostindische Companie IMG" class="image-inline" src="./illustrationen/globalisierung/vereinigte-ostindische-companie-img/@@images/image/thumb" title="Vereinigte Ostindische Companie IMG"></a>, developed trans-oceanic routes.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_104_marker105"><sup><a href="">32</a></sup></span> These overseas shipping routes fulfilled a threefold function. Firstly, they were the trading connections between European states and the world outside Europe. Secondly, they had a socio-cultural significance in that, as travel routes and postal routes, they connected people on different continents and enabled communication across the oceans. Finally, ships also transported <a href="" title="Animals">animals</a><strong> </strong>and plants. The American environmental historian <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Alfred W. Crosby (1931–2018)">Alfred W. Crosby (1931–2018)</a> <span>coined the phrase "Columbian exchange" to refer to this exchange, which intensified after the discovery of the two Americas in particular. Crop plants from the New World, such as the tomato and the potato<a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Plaque Commemorating the Introduction of the Potato in Württemberg"><img alt="Gedenkstein für die Einführung der Kartoffel in Württemberg IMG" class="image-inline" src="./illustrationen/konfessionsmigration-die-waldenser-bilderordner/gedenkstein-fuer-die-einfuehrung-der-kartoffel-in-wuerttemberg-img/@@images/image/thumb" title="Gedenkstein für die Einführung der Kartoffel in Württemberg IMG"></a></span>, came to Europe along the shipping routes. Conversely, animals and plants – as well as pathogens such as the smallpox virus – were also transferred from Europe to America.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_105_marker106"><sup><a href="">33</a></sup></span></p> <p>While global shipping traffic increasingly became concentrated on the Atlantic and the Pacific during the 19th century, even the Mediterranean, which had experienced its heyday in the early modern period, experienced increased activity.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_106_marker107"><sup><a href="">34</a></sup></span> Thus, the economic boom of the 1850s to the 1870s and steam shipping enabled the integration of the eastern Mediterranean, the Levante<a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Levant Countries"><img alt="Die Länder der Levante" class="image-inline" src="./illustrationen/armenische-handelsnetzwerke-bilderordner/die-laender-der-levante/@@images/image/thumb" title="Die Länder der Levante"></a>, into the <a href="" title="Economic Relations Between Europe and the World: Dependence and Interdependence">global economy</a>. For economic and trade reasons, a number of canals were built during the 19th century, such as the Panama and Suez canals.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_107_marker108"><sup><a href="">35</a></sup></span> The Suez Canal, one of the largest construction projects of the time, was completed in ten years in spite of cholera epidemics among the workers and diplomatic tensions between Great Britain and France. It was heralded at its ceremonial opening in 1869 as a great feat of engineering<a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="First vessels through the Suez Canal 1869"><img alt="First vessels through the Suez Canal 1869 IMG" class="image-inline" src="./illustrationen/colonila-circuits-bilderordner/first-vessels-through-the-suez-canal-1869-img/@@images/image/thumb" title="First vessels through the Suez Canal 1869 IMG"></a>. It connected the Mediterranean with the Red Sea, thereby creating a direct connection for shipping between the (North) Atlantic and the Indian Ocean.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_108_marker109"><sup><a href="">36</a></sup></span></p> <p>However, the great international canal projects of the 19th century had less-well-known forerunners on the European continent. As early as the medieval period, rivers had been connected by artificial canals. The Stecknitz Canal was constructed in the 1390s to enable salt to be transported by ship from <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Lüneburg</a></span>  to the Baltic Sea, and timber to be transported in the opposite direction to Lüneburg. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the ruling houses of Europe built several canals. For example, the "Great Elector" <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Friedrich Wilhelm of Brandenburg (1620–1688)">Friedrich Wilhelm of Brandenburg (1620–1688)</a> <span>ordered the construction of the "New Trench" (Friedrich Wilhelm Canal), which connected the Oder and Elbe rivers. The <em>Canal du Midi<a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Canal du Midi"><img alt="Karte des Canal du Midi" class="image-inline" src="./illustrationen/wasser-bilderordner/karte-des-canal-du-midi/@@images/image/thumb" title="Karte des Canal du Midi"></a></em>, which was constructed in the 1680s, was a 240-km water route connecting the Mediterranean with the Garonne River via <u></u></span><span><span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Toulouse</a></span></span>. <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Friedrich II of Prussia (1712–1786)">Friedrich II of Prussia (1712–1786<u>)</u></a> <span>ordered the building of the Plaue Canal (1743–1745), the second Finow Canal (1743–1746), the Storkow Canal (1746), the Werbelin Canal (1765) and the Ruppin Canal (1786–1788). In so doing, he created the <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Brandenburg</a></span></span> <span>inland waterways network as a transport infrastructure.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_109_marker110"><sup><a href="">37</a></sup></span></span></p> <p>During the 19th century, canals were constructed on almost all of the large waterways of Europe. In 1846, the Bavarian king <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Ludwig I of Bavaria (1786–1868)">Ludwig I (1786–1868)</a> <span>commissioned the building of a canal connecting the Danube and Main rivers. From the 1950s, this canal was extended to make the Rhine-Main-Danube Canal. Between 1887 and 1895, the Kaiser Wilhelm Canal (now known as the Kiel Canal) was built to connect the North Sea and the Baltic Sea<a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Construction of the Kiel Canal"><img alt="Bau des Nord-Ostsee-Kanals" class="image-inline" src="./illustrationen/wasser-bilderordner/bau-des-nord-ostsee-kanals/@@images/image/thumb" title="Bau des Nord-Ostsee-Kanals"></a></span>. Already in the 19th century, there were protests against canal projects on the grounds of nature conservation and the conservation of local heritage. In the mid-20th century, however, these critical voices increasingly gained public attention through the media and experts. The Rhine-Main-Danube Canal was a subject of much controversy right up to its completion in 1992. Opponents and supporters of canal projects cited expert reports to support their respective positions. In the 1980s, large hydraulic engineering projects were no longer viewed as great feats of engineering, but as an expression of human hubris. This is illustrated by a comment made by German Federal Transport Minister <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Volker Hauff (born 1940)">Volker Hauff (born 1940)</a> quoted in the <em>Spiegel</em> magazine, in which he described the construction of the Rhine-Main-Danube Canal as "ziemlich das dümmste Projekt seit dem Turmbau zu Babel".<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_110_marker111"><sup><a href="">38</a></sup></span> However, rivers such as the Danube and the Rhine not only played a role in wastewater disposal projects, but also performed functions with far-reaching significance for European (urban) histories.</p> <h2>The Flow of History</h2> <p>Rivers were an essential factor in the founding, growth and subsequent existence of many – one can probably even say most – European cities. The most important European cities established in the medieval period were located near the fording points of rivers – Frankfurt-on-Main is a classic example – or at another important point in the course of the river.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_111_marker112"><sup><a href="">39</a></sup></span></p> <p>Rivers played an important role in the development of cities, but they also gave rise to myths and legends.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_112_marker113"><sup><a href="">40</a></sup></span> Almost all of the great capitals owe their development to a river. <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Vienna</a></span> <span>owes it to the Danube, and London to the Thames, which connected the city via early transport networks to the hinterland. Even the history of early civilizations was connected with rivers. The rise of Mesopotamia was fed by the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. Ancient <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Egypt's</a></span></span> <span>development was dependent on the Nile. Rivers played a central role in arid regions in particular – such as the American west and the <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Russian east</a></span> – where their water made landscapes fertile.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_113_marker114"><sup><a href="">41</a></sup></span></span></p> <p>Three metanarratives dominate the historiography of rivers. A cultural-historical tradition thematizes the romanticization of rivers, which in some cases sees them being laid claim to in nationalist discourses. A second trend writes the history of rivers as a kind of history of civilization, in which the demands of humans reshape the nature of rivers. Thirdly, with the emergence of modern <a href="" title="Nature and Environment">environmental history</a>, the interaction between humans and rivers is analysed more closely.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_114_marker115"><sup><a href="">42</a></sup></span></p> <p>In the romantic tradition, which has its origins in the late-18th and 19th centuries, rivers are viewed as natural primal forces, as sources of life and destruction. Thus, the topos that water writes history, which exists up to the present, was coined by historical descriptions of rivers. <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Willi Rickmers (1873–1965)">Willi Rickmers (1873–1965)</a>, who toured and researched Central Asia around 1900, was prompted by visits to the cities of <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Bukhara</a></span> <span>and <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Samarkand</a></span></span> <span>to describe the Zarafshan river as the source of life and origin of the old civilization: "The Zarafshan is the very essence of life to Samarkand and Bokhara … This is the end, that was the beginning, and between them is the life-time and the work of a drop of water; between them are generations of men."<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_115_marker116"><sup><a href="">43</a></sup></span></span></p> <p>These travel impressions are not only a prime example of late-romantic hyperbole regarding rivers, but also of the fact that rivers are closely associated with the cities whose existence was determined by the course of the river.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_116_marker117"><sup><a href="">44</a></sup></span> In the age of nationalism, rivers that ran along the border between states could be used as arguments in propaganda, as happened with the Rhine during the <a href="" title="The French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars">Napoleonic Wars</a><strong> </strong>and the Rhine Crisis.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_117_marker118"><sup><a href="">45</a></sup></span> <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Max Schneckenburger (1819–1849)">Max Schneckenburger (1819–1849)</a> wrote the bellicose patriotic song "Die Wacht am Rhein"<a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Niederwald Monument"><img alt="Niederwalddenkmal – Wacht am Rhein" class="image-inline" src="./illustrationen/wasser-bilderordner/niederwalddenkmal-2013-wacht-am-rhein/@@images/image/thumb" title="Niederwalddenkmal – Wacht am Rhein"></a> <span>(Watch on the Rhine) and <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Nikolaus Becker (1809–1845)">Nikolaus Becker (1809–1845)</a></span> wrote the song "Der freie deutsche Rhein" (The Free German Rhine). These heroic slogans were reactivated<a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Steadfast and true stands the watch on the Rhine!"><img alt="Fest steht und treu die Wacht, die Wacht am Rhein!" class="image-inline" src="./illustrationen/wasser-bilderordner/fest-steht-und-treu-die-wacht-die-wacht-am-rhein/@@images/image/thumb" title="Fest steht und treu die Wacht, die Wacht am Rhein!"></a> as topoi in the 20th century, for example in the anti-French propaganda of the <a href="" title="Der Erste Weltkrieg als Medienereignis">First World War</a>.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_118_marker119"><sup><a href="">46</a></sup></span></p> <p>Beyond this cultural-historical and history-of-ideas approach, in recent decades there has been an increasing focus on rivers as historical environments.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_119_marker120"><sup><a href="">47</a></sup></span> The early 19th century is viewed as a turning point in this context. Prior to the large-scale hydraulic engineering projects of the 19th century, rivers were impervious to human planning due to their power. They constantly changed course and, depending on water level, new side channels emerged. Rivers were thus also a source of local conflicts when changes in their course changed the water supply to the surrounding communities. Rivers could even alter state borders. In the early modern period, "Landkarten waren immer Momentaufnahmen, und die Kartographen des 16. Jh.s. stellten Flüsse entsprechend ihrer Bedeutung meist überdimensional dar".<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_120_marker121"><sup><a href="">48</a></sup></span> However, the large engineering projects of the 19th century established the navigable, standardized canal as an ideal for rivers also.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_121_marker122"><sup><a href="">49</a></sup></span></p> <p>While rivers such as the Danube, the Rhine, the Thames, and the Rhône have their individual histories, there is nonetheless an identifiable pattern: in the 19th century, they became subject to increased human control.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_122_marker123"><sup><a href="">50</a></sup></span> In addition to monarchs, the actors in this history were engineers, entrepreneurs, water experts, biologists, fishermen, politicians, diplomats and industrialists.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_123_marker124"><sup><a href="">51</a></sup></span> International commissions monitored the restructuring of rivers.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_124_marker125"><sup><a href="">52</a></sup></span> The construction of canals and dams, the transformation of watercourses due to the development of forestry, the construction of embankments and the realignment of rivers through urban development became much more frequent occurrences. The detrimental effects of these interventions quickly became apparent. The pollution of rivers was a common contemporary theme, as illustrated by the descriptions of the pollution of the Thames by <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Charles Dickens (1812–1870)">Charles Dickens (1812–1870)</a> <span>in his novels <em>Oliver Twist</em> and <em>Our Mutual Friend</em>.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_125_marker126"><sup><a href="">53</a></sup></span> Each type of human intervention in rivers also changed the ecosystem and reduced biodiversity. Due to this ambivalence between the mission to improve and the damage that it caused, anthropogenic transformations of rivers were perceived on the one hand as a triumph of engineering over nature, but on the other hand as the desecration of nature.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_126_marker127"><sup><a href="">54</a></sup></span> The ecological turn of the 1970s affected the rivers of Europe in two ways. Rivers became the object of environmental protection campaigns, such as the project to restore salmon to the Rhine. This in turn changed the perception of human interventions. In the 1980s, critical environmental history referred to what it called the extermination, silencing and rape of rivers.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_127_marker128"><sup><a href="">55</a></sup></span></span></p> <p>Against the backdrop of modern environmental history, which in recent years has emphasized the dynamic interaction between humans and nature, a third narrative emerged. Works such as Richard White's (born 1947) <em>Organic Machine<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_128_marker129"><sup><a href="">56</a></sup></span></em> and Mark Cioc's <em>Eco-Biography</em> of the Rhine River emphasize the interrelationship between rivers and society. Rivers are now viewed as spaces that exist in a constant relationship of exchange between nature and humans. They are shaped by this interaction, but they also shape human society. Narratives of the destruction and conquest of rivers have thus been replaced by histories of co-evolution and adaptation.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_129_marker130"><sup><a href="">57</a></sup></span> In their long-running research on the Danube, <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Verena Winiwarter (born 1961)">Verena Winiwarter</a> and <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Martin Schmid (born 1974)">Martin Schmid (born 1974)</a> overcome the dichotomy between nature and culture by investigating the practices and arrangements through which the river and the city of Vienna have shaped each other over the centuries.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_130_marker131"><sup><a href="">58</a></sup></span></p> <h2>Port Cities</h2> <p>Cities located on rivers performed similar socio-cultural functions to <a href="" title="Early Modern Ports, 1500–1750">port cities</a>. Port cities that were situated along shipping routes were node points of diverse exchange relationships and transfer processes. From the 17th century onward, processes of state formation and the striving for naval power were particularly concentrated in port cities. <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Amsterdam</a></span> and <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Rotterdam</a></span>were the first port cities to emerge in northern Europe. In the absolutist monarch of <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">France</a></span>, the planning and construction of port cities assumed the character of a national project. Cities such as <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Lorient</a></span>, <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Rochefort</a></span>, <span></span><span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Brest</a></span> and <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Sète</a></span> were militarily important ports and significant maritime centres. From the time of mercantilism, seaborne trade connected port cities with coastal settlements, which served as intermediaries for the hinterland. <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Josef W. Konvitz (born 1946)">Josef W. Konvitz (born 1946)</a> described French port cities as "metropolitan colonies, recognizably dependent in purpose and fortune upon the French state".<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_131_marker132"><sup><a href="">59</a></sup></span> In the 17th and 18th centuries, ports played a central role in the growth of European cities involved in Atlantic trade.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_132_marker133"><sup><a href="">60</a></sup></span> The cities of <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Liverpool</a></span>, <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Bristol</a></span>, <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Hull</a></span>, <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Cardiff</a></span>, <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Newcastle</a></span> and <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Manchester</a></span> owed their growth and their character to their connection to the sea.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_133_marker134"><sup><a href="">61</a></sup></span></p> <p>In the 19th century, port cities developed into cosmopolitan outposts of the European middle classes. This had consequences for multi-ethnic empires in the eastern Mediterranean, such as Austria-Hungary and the <a href="" title="Ottoman History of South-East Europe">Ottoman Empire</a>. From the research perspective, continental port cities offer new perspectives on the history of the European land empires. Examples such as the city of <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Thessaloniki</a></span> <span>in the Ottoman Empire may prove that processes of national integration and state-building were connected with processes of the disintegration of multi-ethnic empires.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_134_marker135"><sup><a href="">62</a></sup></span> As gateways to the world beyond Europe, port cities illustrate that even classic continental empires such as <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Austria-Hungary</a></span> had multi-layered relationships with the sea. <u></u></span><a data-class="external-geo-link" href=""><span>Trieste</span></a> <span>tied Austria-Hungary into a global trade network that ran between central Europe, North Africa, the <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Cape Colony</a></span>, <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Argentina</a></span>, <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Brazil</a></span>, the <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Middle East</a></span>, <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">China</a></span> and <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Japan</a></span>. Port cities not only created the basis for the global world, but were also bases of an informal imperialism.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_135_marker136"><sup><a href="">63</a></sup></span></span></p> <p>The example of Trieste also demonstrates the way in which the economic ambitions of the actors (primarily traders and officials) were connected with a cosmopolitan image of themselves:</p> <p>Bohemian manufactured goods, Viennese capital, and polyglot Habsburg subjects bearing expert knowledge and European civilization would integrate the Levant, East Asia, South Africa, and South America into the greater Austrian economy. (...) The terrestrial empire was, of course, centered on the imperial capital in Vienna … The maritime empire, on the other hand, was championed by the imperial port city of Trieste. Trieste, the Habsburgs' gateway to the world, sat at the center of … international trade … and transoceanic mobility in the late imperial period.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_136_marker137"><sup><a href="">64</a></sup></span></p> <p>Through these exchange processes, two types of empires emerged on land and at sea. From a social and cultural perspective, ports developed a specific type of "city" that had three characteristics. In port cities, there was an increased risk of epidemics, and the <a href="">demographic development<strong></strong><strong> </strong></a>was characterized by high birth rates and a dependence on migration flows. The economy of ports was dominated by shipping, with a very large number of unskilled and casual workers, who were prone to seasonal and cyclical unemployment.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_137_marker138"><sup><a href="">65</a></sup></span> Along with these economic and social-historical factors, port cities were characterized by a marked cultural vibrancy. The following description of port cities as cosmopolitan places that gave rise to new forms of business and coexistence comes from 1935:</p> <p>Port cities function most effectively in movements of peoples and their wares, in fusing ideas, institutions, and cultures distinctive of their hinterlands and markets.… Thus do the port cities of the world assume the cosmopolitan qualities that generally characterize and distinguish them, blending the effects of diverse lands and environments in an alchemy of culture that produces new phases of social and economic activity, new industries as well as ideas, new concepts of high and right living, new ways of progress.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_138_marker139"><sup><a href="">66</a></sup></span></p> <p>This interpretation of the phenomenon of the city by the sea has endured up to the present. In the academic literature, port cities are depicted as sites at which processes of economic and social globalization blend with a "global imaginary", that is, concepts of what global society consists of.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_139_marker140"><sup><a href="">67</a></sup></span> London, <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">Tokyo</a></span>, <span class="external-geo-link-container" itemscope="itemscope" itemtype=""><a itemprop="url" class="external-geo-link" data-class="external-geo-link" href="">New York City</a></span>, Mumbai, Buenos Aires, Amsterdam, Singapore, Hong Kong, Hamburg, New Orleans, Copenhagen, San Francisco, Shanghai and Los Angeles, almost all modern global cities were previously port cities.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_140_marker141"><sup><a href="">68</a></sup></span> Due to these diverse interpretative horizons, port cities have become classic research objects of global history.</p> <h2>Water and Power</h2> <p>In <em>The Conquest of Nature</em>, <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="David Blackbourn (born 1949)">David Blackbourn (born 1949)</a> <span>stresses that power relationships and power fantasies were characteristic of the role that water played in history. This role could seem unpolitical in some cases. From classical antiquity, water served to display power and luxury in the form of water features and fountains.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_141_marker142"><sup><a href="">69</a></sup></span> Like all natural resources, the use of water created and re-enforced power relationships, or caused a shift in existing ones.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_142_marker143"><sup><a href="">70</a></sup></span> Starting with the land reclamation projects of Friedrich the Great and continuing with the straightening of rivers, the draining of moors, and finally National Socialist infrastructural planning for after the intended conquest of eastern Europe, all of these projects can be analysed as a series of "water wars"<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_143_marker144"><sup><a href="">71</a></sup></span>. The struggle against nature was not the sole leitmotif of hydraulic engineering projects. Social relationships were also reflected in these projects when opponents and advocates confronted each other in a context of uneven power relationships. The implementation of water projects bore the signs of the open exercise of force when political or military coercion was employed as a means of enforcing change. Within Europe, courts, parliaments and authorities increasingly exercised force in a civilized form during the course of the 19th century.</span></p> <p>Additionally, the authority over water was linked with questions of epistemic power, and connected to modern forms of knowledge, such as maps, tables, theories, and the practical skills of hydraulic engineers. It was not only wildlife and plants that disappeared as a result of the transformation of waterways. Local knowledge about watercourses and their flora and fauna was also marginalized during the course of these projects.</p> <p>However, the history of water in Europe was not only characterized by conflicts, but also by the approval that united politicians, officials, opinion-makers and the population when projects for the benefit of the general good were involved, such as the supply of drinking water. Already in the 19th century, however, a growing number of people emphasized the environmental damage done by dams, river realignments and hydroelectric projects. Four strands of argumentation can be identified. Pragmatic opponents feared from an early stage that the consequences of the interventions could not be predicted, and that interventions in the water balance of the Earth could trigger natural disasters. The second group of critics mainly stressed aesthetic issues and pointed out that the beauty of nature was adversely affected by hydroelectric power stations, dams, and canals. The third strand was religious objections to a form of human arrogance that sought to improve on creation. Finally, a growing number of people expressed opposition to the transformation of ecosystems and the pollution of waterways<a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Greenpeace Resists the Sinking of the Brent Spar Oil Rig in 1995"><img alt="Greenpeace gegen die Versenkung der Plattform Brent Spar 1995" class="image-inline" src="./illustrationen/natur-und-umwelt-bilderordner-1/greenpeace-gegen-die-versenkung-der-plattform-brent-spar-1995/@@images/image/thumb" title="Greenpeace gegen die Versenkung der Plattform Brent Spar 1995"></a>, as well as the reduction of biodiversity triggered by these.<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_144_marker145"><sup><a href="">72</a></sup></span> These voices still exist today in environmental debates. The history of water is therefore also a history of political, social, and economic conditions: "An der Art und Weise, wie die … Wasserwege umgeleitet wurden, zeigt sich deutlich, wie die Linien der Macht verliefen. Die Beherrschung der Natur durch den Menschen verrät uns viel vom Wesen der menschlichen Herrschaft."<span class="InsertNoteMarker" id="InsertNoteID_145_marker146"><sup><a href="">73</a></sup></span></p> <p class="author"><a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank" title="Franziska Torma (born 1975)">Franziska Torma</a></p> </div> <h2>Appendix</h2> <h3>Literature</h3> <p>Anderson, Mary P.: David W. Mead: Pioneer, Educator, Ethicist, and Consultant, in: ground water, Historical Note 44,2 (2006), pp. 319–322. URL: <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank"></a> / URL: <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank"></a> [2021-01-25]</p> <p>Andrews, Kenneth R.: Trade, Plunder, and Settlement: Maritime Enterprise and the Genesis of the British Empire, 1480–1630, Cambridge 1985.</p> <p>[Anonymous]: Große Sendung, in: Der Spiegel (07/12/1981). URL: <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank"></a> [2021-01-14]</p> <p>[Anonymous]: Port Cities, in: Economic Geography 11,1 (1935). URL: <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank"></a> [2021-01-14]</p> <p>Assel, Jutta / Jäger, Georg: Patriotische Lieder und ihre Instrumentalisierung im Ersten Weltkrieg: Eine Postkartenserie aus der Sammlung historischer und politischer Bildpostkarten <br>von Karl Stehle, Munich 2015. URL: <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank"></a> [2021-01-14]</p> <p>Bailyn, Bernhard: Atlantic History: Concept and Contours, Cambridge, MA 2005. URL: <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank"></a> [2021-01-14]</p> <p>Barca, Stefania: Enclosing Water: Nature and Political Economy in a Mediterranean Valley, 1796–1916, Cambridge 2010. URL: <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank"></a> [2021-01-14]</p> <p>Bartels, Christoph: Das Wasserkraft-Netz des historischen Erzbergbaus im Oberharz: Seine Schaffung und Verdichtung zu großtechnischen Systemen als Voraussetzung der Industrialisierung, in: Technikgeschichte 56 (1988), pp. 177–192. URL: <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank"></a> [2021-01-25]</p> <p>Bayerl, Günter: Historische Wasserversorgung: Bemerkungen zum Verhältnis von Technik, Mensch und Gesellschaft, in: Ulrich Troitzsch et al. (eds.): Technik-Geschichte: Historische Beiträge und neuere Ansätze, Frankfurt am Main 1980, pp. 180–211.</p> <p>Bayerl, Günter: Wind- und Wasserkraft: Die Nutzung regenerierbarer Energiequellen in der Geschichte, Düsseldorf 1989.</p> <p>Benson, Keith R. et al. 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Also from an environmental-historical perspective: Kneitz, On Water 2012.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_77"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Radkau, Natur und Macht 2000, p. 112.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_78"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Radkau, Natur und Macht 2000, p. 112.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_79"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Radkau, Natur und Macht 2000, pp. 112–113; Wittfogel, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft 1931; Wittfogel, Oriental Despotism 1957. On the history of the reception of his theory: Radkau, Der Emigrant als Warner und Renegat 1983, pp. 73–94.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_80"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Hubbard, History of Hydrology; Anderson, W. Mead 2006; Mead, Hydrology 1919; Mead, Notes on Hydrology 1904; Meyer, The Elements of Hydrology 1917.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_81"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Thienemann, Limnologie 1926; Naumann, Grundzüge 1932.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_82"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Rozwadowski, Small World 1996, p. 409. On the scientification of the sea: Benson, Oceanographic History 2002; Lenz, Ocean Sciences 1990; Benson, The Machine 2004.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_83"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Heunemann, No straight lines 2014, pp.149–168.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_84"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Thomson, Voyage of the Challenger 1877.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_85"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Kofoid, Biological Stations of Europe 1910.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_86"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>McConell, No Sea Too Deep 1982.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_87"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Rozwadowski, The Sea 2002.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_88"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>On limnology as a field and station scientific discipline from the perspective of its founder: Thienemann, Erinnerungen 1959.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_89"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Corbin, The Lure 1994, pp. 254–255.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_90"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Corbin, The Lure 1994, pp. 257ff. and p. 276.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_91"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Corbin, The Lure 1994, pp. 266–273.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_92"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Corbin, The Lure 1994, p. 263.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_93"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Corbin, The Lure 1994, p. 279.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_94"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Reichel, Der schöne Schein 1991.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_95"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Spode, Fordism 2004, pp. 127–155.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_96"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>On the supply of water through history and the history of drinking water: Bayerl, Historische Wasserversorgung 1980, pp. 180–211; Hye-Kerkdal, Geschichte der Trinkwasserversorgung 1993; Kluge, Wassernöte 1986; Suter, Wasser und Brunnen 1981.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_97"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>On this, see: Uekötter, Umweltgeschichte 2007, pp. 16–17; Dinçkal, Istanbul 2004; Mohajeri, Blickwechsel 2001; Dix, Industrialisierung und Wassernutzung 1997.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_98"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>On the history of mineral water: Hirschfelder, Purer Genuss 2009; Chapelle, Wellsprings 2005; Winterberg, Wasser 2007; Bayerl, Wind- und Wasserkraft 1989; Ciriancono, Hydraulic Energy 2006, pp. 19–30.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_99"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>On this, see: Reith, Umweltgeschichte 2011, pp. 30–31. On the industrial use of waterpower in the early modern period: Bartels, Das Wasserkraft-Netz 1988, pp. 177–192.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_100"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>On this, see: Landry, White Coal 2012, pp. 7–11. On the example of the Liri River in the Apennines: Barca, Enclosing Water 2010.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_101"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>On Oskar von Miller: Füßl, Oskar von Miller 2005.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_102"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Bundesministerium, Erneuerbare Energien [no date].</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_103"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>For example: Gerding, Die Torfschifffahrt 1993, pp. 39–68.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_104"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Bowen, The Worlds 2003; Andrews, Trade 1985; Gaastra, Die Vereinigte Ostindische Compagnie 1988; Nagel, Abenteuer Fernhandel 2007.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_105"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Crosby, The Columbian Exchange 1972; Crosby, Ecological Imperialism 1993; Mann, Kolumbus' Erbe 2013.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_106"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Braudel, Das Mittelmeer 1990.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_107"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Kozler, Panamakanal 2000; Regel, Panamakanal 1909.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_108"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Fitzgerald, The Great Canal 1876; Piquet, Histoire du canal 2009.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_109"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>On this, see: Reith, Umweltgeschichte 2011, p. 30.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_110"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>[Anonymous], Große Sendung 1981; see also: Zech-Kleber, Rhein-Main-Donau-Kanal 2012 ("pretty much the most stupid project since the construction of the Tower of Babel" transl. by N. Williams).</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_111"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Schott, Stadt und Fluss 2007, p. 141.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_112"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Cioc, The Rhine 2003.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_113"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>On this, see: Mauch / Zeller, Rivers in History 2008, pp. 1–10; Worster, Rivers of Empire 1985; Obertreis 2007, pp. 151–182.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_114"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>On narratives of the history of rivers: Mauch / Zeller, Rivers in History 2008, pp. 5–10; Blackbourn, Die Eroberung der Natur 2007, pp. 9–31.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_115"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Rickmers, The Duab 1913, pp. 44–45.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_116"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>On this, see: Mauch / Zeller, Rivers in History 2008, pp. 1–2.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_117"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Tümmers, Der Rhein 1999, p. 214.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_118"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Assel / Jäger, Patriotische Lieder [no date].</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_119"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>On this, see: Mauch / Zeller, Rivers in History 2008, pp. 1–10.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_120"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>On this, see: Reith, Umweltgeschichte 2011, p. 29; Leidel, Altbayerische Flusslandschaften 1998 ("Maps were always snapshots of a moment in time, and the cartographers of the 16th century usually depicted rivers as disproportionately large to reflect their importance" transl. by N. Williams).</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_121"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Cioc, The Rhine 2003, p. 3.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_122"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>On the history of individual rivers, see for example: Jüngel, Die Elbe 1993; Lewis, The Hudson 2005; Pritchard, Confluence 2011; Weightman, London's Thames 2005; Lübken, Die Natur der Gefahr 2014.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_123"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Cioc, The Rhine 2003, pp. 5–17.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_124"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Cioc, The Rhine 2003, pp. 3–4.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_125"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>On river pollution and the role of rivers in industrialization: Castonguay, Introduction 2012, p. 1. On the pollution of water, see also: Kneitz, Polluted Water 2012, pp. 71–76. For a detailed analysis of Charles Dickens' novel Our Mutual Friend and on the topic of the pollution of watercourses, see: Kneitz, Literatur-Geschichte-Natur 2013.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_126"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Blackbourn, Die Eroberung der Natur 2007, pp. 9–31; on this, see: Mauch / Zeller, Rivers in History 2008, p. 6.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_127"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>On this, see: Mauch / Zeller, Rivers in History 2008, p. 6. Here you can find the metaphors "silenced", "raped", and "exterminated".</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_128"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>White, The Organic Machine 1995.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_129"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Winiwarter / Schmid / Dressel, Looking 2013, pp. 104, 108. On this, see also: Mauch / Zeller, Rivers in History 2008, pp. 6–7; Pritchard, Reconstructing 2004, pp. 766–799.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_130"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Winiwarter / Schmid / Dressel, Looking 2013, pp. 108–109.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_131"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Konvitz, Cities and the Sea 1979, p. 140.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_132"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>In recent years, the "Atlantic history" area of research has emerged; for a brief introduction to this, see: Bailyn, Atlantic History 2005.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_133"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Lawton, The Components 2002, p. 92.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_134"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Kasaba / Keyder / Tabak, Eastern Mediterranean Port Cities 1986, pp. 121–135; Keyder / Ôzveren / Quataert, Port-Cities in the Ottoman Empire 1993, pp. 519–558; Mazower, Salonica 2004.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_135"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>On this, see the following on the example of Trieste: Frank, Continental and Maritime Empires 2011, pp. 779–784.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_136"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Frank, Continental and Maritime Empires 2011, p. 783.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_137"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Lawton, Population and Society 2002.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_138"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>[Anonymous], Port Cities 1935.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_139"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Cartier, Cosmopolitics 1999, pp. 278–289.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_140"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>The term global city refers in demographic terms to cities that in 1850 had more than 100,000 inhabitants, and in 1950 had more than one million inhabitants. On this, see: Lawton, The Components 2002, p. 92.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_141"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Brandstetter, Kräfte messen 2008.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_142"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>For a fundamental discussion of this, see: Radkau, Natur und Macht 2000.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_143"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Blackbourn, Die Eroberung der Natur 2007, p. 14.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_144"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>On this, see: Blackbourn, Die Eroberung der Natur 2007, pp. 11–30.</span></li> <li id="InsertNoteID_145"><sup><a href="">^</a></sup> <span>Blackbourne, Die Eroberung der Natur 2007, p. 15 ("The way in which the … waterways were rerouted clearly demonstrates which way the power lines ran. The control of nature by humans tells us much about the character of human rule" transl. by N. Williams).</span></li> </ol> </div> <div id="article_metadata"><br> <div id="license" class="smalltype"> <span class="cc-image-link"> <a class="de" rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag" style="border-width:0" src=""></a> <a class="en" rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag" style="border-width:0" src=""></a> </span> <br> <span class="de">Dieser Text ist lizensiert unter</span> <span class="en">This text is licensed under</span>: <span class="licence"><span class="selected-option">CC by-nc-nd 3.0 Germany - Attribution, Noncommercial, No Derivative Works</span></span> </div> <hr> <p> <span id="translator"><span class="de">Übersetzt von:</span><span class="en">Translated by:</span> <span id="form-widgets-translator" class="text-widget textline-field">Niall Williams</span></span><br> <span id="publisher"><span class="de">Fachherausgeber:</span><span class="en">Editor:</span> <span id="form-widgets-publisher" class="text-widget textline-field">Johannes Paulmann</span> </span><br> <span id="copyeditor"><span class="de">Redaktion:</span><span class="en">Copy Editor:</span> <span id="form-widgets-copyeditor" class="text-widget textline-field">Claudia Falk</span> </span><br> </p> <div class="document-paths-container"> <strong><span class="de">Eingeordnet unter:</span><span class="en">Filed under:</span></strong> <div class="document-paths"> <div> <ul class="path breadcrumbs"> <li> <a href="">Home</a> </li> <li> <span class="path-separator">→</span> en </li> <li> <span class="path-separator">→</span> Threads </li> <li> <span class="path-separator">→</span> <a href="">Backgrounds</a> </li> <li> <span class="path-separator">→</span> <a href="">Nature and Environment</a> </li> <li> <span class="path-separator">→</span> <a href="">Water</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <hr> <div class="relatedItems"> </div> <h3 id="indices">Indices</h3> <div id="ddcarea"> DDC: <span id="ddcs"><a href="/search?DDC=333&portal_type=Site&Title=freigabe" class="ddc"> 333</a> <a class="de" href="">[Info <img class="external_link_icon" src="/_theme/img/external_link_icon.png" alt="external link"> ]</a> <a class="en" href="">[Info <img class="external_link_icon" src="/_theme/img/external_link_icon.png" alt="external link"> ]</a></span> </div> <br> <div class="geo-links-container"></div> <div id="map" style="height:450px;"></div> <script src=""></script> <script> map = new OpenLayers.Map("map"); var markers = new OpenLayers.Layer.Markers( "Markers" ); map.addLayer(markers); map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM()); var fromProjection = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"); // Transform from WGS 1984 var toProjection = new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913"); // to Spherical Mercator Projection var position = new OpenLayers.LonLat(8.247253,49.992863).transform( fromProjection, toProjection); map.setCenter(position, 4 ); </script> <hr> <h3><span class="de">Zitierempfehlung</span><span class="en">Citation</span></h3> <p class="box" id="citation"> <span class="articleauthor"><span class="reversedallauthors"><span class="reversedauthor">Torma, Franziska</span><span></span></span></span>: <span class="doc_title">Water</span>, in: <span class="de">Europäische Geschichte Online (EGO), hg. vom <span class="leibniz-addition">Leibniz-</span>Institut für Europäische Geschichte (IEG), Mainz </span> <span class="en">European History Online (EGO), published by the <span class="leibniz-addition">Leibniz </span>Institute of European History (IEG), Mainz </span> <span class="publicationsdate">2021-01-25</span>. 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